Note: all times are San Jose time (GMT-8).
Tuesday, March 17th
GTC opens
NVScene opening remarks
Shadertoy Hackathon kickoff
Seminar: Reinventing the Wheel - One Last Time - Ricardo Cabello (mrdoob)
Seminar: Tips and Techniques For Efficient and Impressive Animations - Alexander Lehmann
Wednesday, March 18th
Seminar: Creating Interactive Visuals for Large Audiences - Joel Pryde
Seminar: GPU Unchained - Timothy Lottes
Deadline: Graphics, ANSI / ASCII, Android demo
Seminar: On Finishing Creative Projects - Thomas Mann (Pixtur / Still)
Compo: Graphics
Compo: Android demo
Thursday, March 19th
Seminar: Real Virtuality: Adventures in WebVR - Antti Jädertpolm (Fthr / TPOLM)
Seminar: Android Performance Patterns: Flow - Etienne Caron (Mr. Khan / NAID)
Deadline: 4k procedural graphics, Animation, PC demo
Compo: 4k procedural graphics
Compo: Animation
Compo: PC demo
Friday, March 20th
Seminar: Textmode Is Awesome - Beausoleil Samson-Guillemette (BarZoule / Northern Dragons)
Seminar: Enough: An Interactive Picture Book - Isaac Cohen (Cabbibo)
Seminar: Shadertoy Hackathon Finale
Prize ceremony
NVScene ends
GTC ends